Trey and Silas, two lovable yet mischievous Juggalos, reunite after Trey's year-long stint in jail. Eager to celebrate his freedom and promote their rap demo, the duo sets off on their annual pilgrimage to The Gathering of the Juggalos. This event serves as a sanctuary where they feel truly accepted. However, their journey is fraught with challenges as they inadvertently take a wrong turn, leading them into a series of bizarre encounters with a psychotic Sheriff, a trailer park princess, occult rednecks, and a cop under the influence of powerful LSD. As their adventure unfolds in the depths of the American South, Trey and Silas uncover their true purpose, identity, and the importance of family, culminating in a thrilling and blood-soaked climax in the Mississippi wilderness. Stop.
Off Ramp
Join two endearing Juggalos as they navigate the shadowy corners of America on their way to the iconic Gathering of the Juggalos. Witness their heartwarming journey as they discover a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the vibrant Juggalo community. Stop.