Mediastan background


"The film follows a journalist as he travels with Julian Assange and his team, gaining exclusive access to the inner workings of the notorious whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks, revealing the highs and lows of their quest for truth and transparency."

A documentary film explores the challenges of free speech in the "Stans", a region of Central Asia. The film follows the Wikileaks team as they meet with editors from newspapers in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan to discuss the publication of leaked government cables. The team faces resistance and criticism, with some editors expressing concerns about the potential consequences of publishing sensitive information. The film also features interviews with editors from The Guardian and the New York Times, who discuss the issues of protecting individuals and making tough decisions about what to publish. The documentary provides a glimpse into the complex relationships between the press, the public, and those in power.

Info about Mediastan

Studio(s): Sixteen Films, Journeyman Pictures

Originally Released: United Kingdom, Oct 02, 2013
