In New York City, a high-stakes auction takes place, featuring a range of valuable items. A seemingly ordinary ring catches Lupin's eye, but he's outbid by just a dollar. Undeterred, he steals the ring and makes a quick escape. However, he's soon confronted by a group of mercenaries working for the person who outbid him. After a tense standoff, Lupin escapes and decides to rally his friends to uncover the identity of the mystery bidder, Cynthia, the head of the prestigious "Bank of the World". As it turns out, Cynthia has her sights set on the ring, which holds the key to a powerful brooch rumored to grant its possessor global domination.
Lupin III: Missed by a Dollar
In this thrilling adventure, Lupin and his companions engage in a high-stakes battle against a cunning banker and her loyal followers to unravel the secrets surrounding a legendary treasure rumored to contain the keys to the most powerful rulers in history.