In this 1950s Los Angeles-based TV pilot, an ambitious internal affairs investigator, a tough patrolman, and a morally gray vice squad detective team up to investigate corruption and a mysterious heroin smuggling ring. The ambitious investigator, Ed Exley, faces hostility from his peers, while the tough patrolman, Bud White, seeks redemption from his troubled past. Meanwhile, a vice squad detective, Jack Vincennes, tries to find the real smugglers while struggling with his own guilt over a past mistake. The pilot features a 'to be continued...' ending and aired on Trio, a CBC cable channel, in 2003.
L.A. Confidential
In 1950s Los Angeles, a determined internal affairs investigator, a rugged patrolman, and a morally ambiguous vice detective team up to uncover corruption and a clandestine heroin trafficking operation.