Higher and Higher background

Higher and Higher

In this classic romantic comedy, a group of desperate servants concoct a plan to secure their financial future by pairing their maid, Millie, with a wealthy suitor. However, their schemes are soon turned upside down by the charming presence of Frank Sinatra, who lives across the street and adds a...

Mr. Drake, a former wealthy man, is now struggling to make ends meet, with his household staff's wages in arrears for seven months. His valet, Mike O'Brien, concocts a plan to pass off the scullery maid, Millie, as Drake's debutante daughter, aiming to secure a wealthy husband for the benefit of everyone involved.

Info about Higher and Higher

Studio(s): RKO Radio Pictures

Originally Released: United States, Dec 31, 1943

Production Country: United States

Budget: $600,000.00

Genres:Comedy, Musical, Romance