The story of Grandma follows a young woman looking for a new beginning. She inherits a large sum of money and uses it to buy an old bed and breakfast way out in the country, with hopes to renovate and reopen. What she doesn't know is the terrifying history of the bed and breakfast. Unbeknownst to the young woman, 20 years earlier it was Grandma's Bed 'n Breakfast, a popular place for the locals to come and eat. The food was always so delicious, but there were never any tourists around for some reason. After several out-of-towners came looking for their missing family members, everything pointed back to Grandma. The police broke in, but Grandma was gone. The police found the missing tourists, along with many others, partially eaten in the freezer, but Grandma was never found, now believed to be dead after all these years. Now the young woman and her friends arrive, ready to start cleaning the newly purchased property. But it's not going to be as easy as they think. An elderly old woman in a gown is upset that there are people in her Bed 'n Breakfast, and she knows just how to fix the problem. Is Grandma back? Or is it someone else, somehow connected to Grandma?
A young woman seeks a fresh start, inheriting a significant amount of money and using it to purchase a rustic bed and breakfast in the countryside. Her plan is to renovate the property and reopen its doors, but she's unaware of the surprises that await her.