Ben Forsyth, a talented cyclist and British Youth Champion, tragically passed away from a sudden heart condition, leaving his loved ones devastated. The documentary delves into Ben's life, showcasing his family and friends who are also top athletes, such as Olympic track medallist Jack Carlin. The story follows Ben's father, Keith, and three friends as they compete in a 24-hour endurance mountain bike race to win the prestigious Ben Forsyth Trophy. The film also highlights the efforts of Ben's friends and family in raising funds and awareness for cardiac screenings to prevent similar tragedies. From running marathons to climbing peaks, their superhuman efforts are showcased in this touching, sad, warm, funny, and hopeful film.
A rising star in cycling tragically passes away due to a heart condition. Through the lens of his high-profile friends and family, including elite athletes, we seek to understand the loss. Meanwhile, his father competes in a grueling 24-hour mountain bike race in tribute to his son.