Children of the Cult is a groundbreaking documentary uncovering the truth about the Rajneesh cult, led by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, also known as Osho. This international investigation sheds light on the dark secrets of one of the world's largest cults, with communes spanning over 30 countries in the 70s and 80s. The film, led by filmmaker Maroesja Perizonius, a former child of the communes, explores the shocking treatment of children within the cult. Through a mix of retrospective storytelling and ongoing investigation, viewers are taken on a journey to reveal the hidden atrocities committed against children in the name of Osho's twisted moral code. Despite the passage of time, accountability for these crimes has yet to be addressed. Maroesja courageously exposes the truth, unmasking perpetrators and demanding answers from the cult's inner circle.
Children of the Cult
Discover the worldwide impact of the Rajneesh movement in Children of the Cult. This in-depth look at one of the biggest cults in history reveals the inner workings of the group, featured in the popular Netflix series. Uncover the global reach of the Rajneesh movement and its influence in over 30...