Chibi Maruko-chan: A Boy from Italy background

Chibi Maruko-chan: A Boy from Italy

The movie follows the story of Hanawa, whose home is visited by six international friends at the request of his friends. These foreign friends, including Andrea from Italy, who stays with Hanawa, initially cause some cultural misunderstandings, but eventually the group learns to bond and adapt to...

In the next movie, a Japanese student named Maruko welcomes six international friends into her home, including Andrea from Italy, who becomes a part of her daily life. As they navigate their cultural differences, Maruko and Andrea form a strong bond and eventually develop romantic feelings for each other.

Info about Chibi Maruko-chan: A Boy from Italy

Studio(s): Fizz Sound Creation, Nippon Animation

Originally Released: United States, Dec 23, 2015

Production Country: Japan

Genres:Animation, Comedy, Family