The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, are on the brink of defeat in the Great Cybertronian War and plan to evacuate Cybertron. However, the Decepticons ambush them, prompting Optimus to send a young scout, B-127, to Earth to establish a new base. B-127 crash-lands in California, disrupting a Sector 7 training exercise, and is attacked by Colonel Jack Burns, who mistakes him for a hostile invader. After being ambushed by Decepticon Blitzwing, B-127 destroys his attacker before collapsing from his wounds and entering stasis, transforming into a 1967 Volkswagen Beetle.
In 1987, a wounded Autobot named Bumblebee seeks refuge in a California beach town junkyard. Charlie Watson, an 18-year-old searching for her identity, stumbles upon the broken robot and forms an unexpected bond.