In this animated comedy, Bugs Bunny regales an elderly man with the tale of Steve Brodie, a struggling gambler who attempted to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge in 1886 and miraculously survived. After stumbling upon Bugs, Brodie becomes convinced that the rabbit's foot charm won't bring him good fortune, and instead seeks out alternative lucky talismans. However, each of Bugs' suggestions inadvertently leads to misfortune for the Irishman, driving him to the brink of madness. Ultimately, Brodie takes the plunge off the bridge, while Bugs cleverly convinces the old man to purchase the iconic landmark from him.
Bowery Bugs
In this animated comedy, Bugs Bunny regales with a tale of his cunning exploits, detailing how he cleverly outwits a man to the point where the man becomes so frustrated that he decides to jump off a bridge.