In this heartwarming comedy, two former lovers, Fikret and Solmaz, are reunited on the day their 21-year relationship ends. When Solmaz's daughter announces her engagement to a man from Adana, Fikret is forced to step in as the wedding planner, navigating a complex web of family dynamics and cultural traditions. As the wedding becomes a larger-than-expected event, Fikret must confront his fears and work with the groom's relatives, a colorful group of Adana family members known for their love of guns and kebabs. Can Fikret and Solmaz find a way to make the wedding a success despite their differences and the chaos that ensues?
Between Family
"A poignant drama unfolds as a singer, her daughter, and their close-knit circle of friends are forever altered by an unexpected encounter with a divorced man, leading to a journey of self-discovery and new beginnings."