"A Radical Act: Renee Montgomery" is an inspiring documentary that chronicles the journey of Renee Montgomery, the first former WNBA player to become a co-owner and executive of a WNBA team. From her humble beginnings in West Virginia to her success as a two-time WNBA Champion, sports broadcaster, and activist, Renee's story is a testament to hard work, determination, and the power of community support. Produced by UNINTERRUPTED, Storyform, and P&G Studios, and directed by Emmy Award winner Sandrine Orabona, this intimate portrait of Renee showcases her transition from player to front office and highlights how her integrity has made her a true game changer in the world of women's basketball. Stop.
A Radical Act: Renee Montgomery
Uncover the Inspiring Tale of Renee Montgomery in 'A Radical Act: Renee Montgomery' – An Essential Documentary Highlighting the Trailblazing WNBA Star Embark on the remarkable journey of Renee Montgomery, the groundbreaking ex-WNBA athlete who broke barriers by becoming the first co-ow...