The story follows Bloom and her friends Stella, Flora, Techna, Musa, Layla (Aisha),and is situated mainly in the Magical Dimension and on Earth. They call themselves "The Winx Club" and go on countless adventures together. Throughout the story, they discover new transformations, unlock secrets and powers, battle against the darkness and support Bloom as she tries to discover her past.
Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom

PG1h 25m5.6

Watch Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom

The Winx Club alumni, Stella, Aisha, Flora, Musa, and Tecna, embark on their new roles as fairy guardians of their home planets, while Bloom is left to watch graduation from afar. The group then bands together to rescue Bloom's parents and their planet from danger.

Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure

PG1h 27m6.2

Watch Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure

Bloom and her friends launch a final investigation to uncover the truth about the fate of her biological parents, King Oritel and Queen Marion.

Winx Club: The Mystery of the Abyss

G1h 23m5.6

Watch Winx Club: The Mystery of the Abyss

The Winx Club faces a terrifying mystery that will quicken your pulse, as their archenemies, the Trix witches, join forces with the ruthless nymph Politea to finally outsmart the fairies.

Winx Club background