The film tells of a young man, Sean Barker, who discovers an alien artefact called "The Unit" which changes Barker into an alien-hybrid super soldier called "The Guyver" and change his life forever.
The Guyver

PG-131h 28m4.9

Watch The Guyver

As a cyborg, a young man must fight to protect his newfound powers and humanity against an alien threat seeking to reclaim the device that transformed him, while uncovering a sinister plot to genetically engineer a new breed of super-soldiers.

Guyver: Dark Hero

R2h 7m5.8

Watch Guyver: Dark Hero

Sean Barker, donning the powerful alien bio-armor known as the Guyver, must once again confront the Kronos Corporation in a battle to keep their sinister plans from uncovering the secrets of the Guyver's mysterious origins.

The Guyver background