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Yogi's Space Race

In the upcoming show, Yogi Bear and his companions embark on an intergalactic adventure, participating in a thrilling space race that takes them to various galaxies. However, their journey is threatened by a multitude of space creatures aiming to sabotage their progress.

A group of beloved Hanna-Barbera characters, including Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, and Jabberjaw, embark on an intergalactic adventure, competing in a series of wacky races through outer space. Each day's event comes with its own unique prize, but often with an unexpected twist.


Yogi's Space Race Videos

Yogi's Space Race (1978) - Intro (Opening)

Yogi's Space Race (1978) - Intro (Opening)

Info about Yogi's Space Race

Current Status: Ended

Network: NBC

Production Country: United States

Genres:Sport, Family, Sci-Fi, Animation, Fantasy, Game-Show