As a desperate response to the growing mutant threat, Cyclops embarks on a hi...
Magneto faces off against a group of anti-mutant protesters as he's compelled...
A mysterious guest arrives at the mansion, harboring a dark secret that puts ...
Jubilee's birthday takes a nostalgic turn when she's sucked into a 16-bit vid...
Team members travel to Genosha to receive honors as the island nation prepare...
The X-Men team members are invited to Genosha, an island nation, to be honore...
Storm must confront her darkest terrors in order to break free.
8. Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 1
Aired: May 1, 2024The X-Men join forces to confront a formidable enemy.
9. Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 2
Aired: May 8, 2024The X-Men race against time to settle the score and prevent a catastrophic ou...
10. Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3
Aired: May 15, 2024Mutant-human relations reach a critical juncture, forcing the X-Men to confro...
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Main Cast
X-Men '97 Videos
Official Clip 'Sisters'
Previously On X-Men
Days of Our Future's Past
Official Clip 'Fighting The Sentinels'