The end of World War II opened the way for the return of French rule to Indoc...
Vietnam: A Television History
In-depth Analysis of the Vietnam War
In-depth Analysis of the Vietnam War
The end of World War II opened the way for the return of French rule to Indoc...
2. The First Vietnam War, 1946-1954
Aired: Oct 5, 1983The eight-year battle between the French and Vietminh is examined.
3. America's Mandarin: 1954-1963
Aired: Oct 11, 1983With a goal of stopping the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, America re...
With Ho Chi Minh determined to reunite Vietnam, President Lyndon Baines Johns...
5. America Takes Charge: 1965-1967
Aired: Oct 25, 1983In two years, the Johnson administration's troop build-up dispatched 1.5 mill...
The Vietnam War as seen from different perspectives by Vietcong guerrillas an...
The massive enemy offensive at the lunar New Year decimated the Vietcong and ...
8. Vietnamizing the War: 1969-1973
Aired: Nov 15, 1983President Richard Nixon's program of troop pull-outs, stepped-up bombing and ...
Despite technical neutrality, both of Vietnam's smaller neighbors were drawn ...
10. 'Peace is at Hand': 1968-1973
Aired: Nov 29, 1983While American and Vietnamese soldiers continued to clash in battle, diplomat...
Through troubled years of controversy and violence, U.S .casualties mounted, ...
12. The End of the Tunnel: 1973-1975
Aired: Dec 13, 1983South Vietnamese leaders believed that America would never let them go down t...
The legacy of the Vietnam War is examined.