On a ship, a mysterious woman sunbathing captures the attention of the male c...
The show follows the lives of those on board a North Sea ferry, traveling between Felixstowe, Gothenburg, and Amsterdam on the triangular route.
The show follows the lives of those on board a North Sea ferry, traveling between Felixstowe, Gothenburg, and Amsterdam on the triangular route.
On a ship, a mysterious woman sunbathing captures the attention of the male c...
Initially, the crew harbors resentment toward Katherine Laker, but opinions g...
Katherine Laker and Arthur Parker engage in a tense confrontation in his offi...
An argument between Katherine and Peter escalates, resulting in her slapping ...
Sandy takes a spiteful jab at Katherine regarding Peter. Despite orders to re...
Wally receives a visitor during his hospital recovery. Arthur and his secreta...
Susan complains about the new Spanish waiter who is clumsy and spills things....
Susan phones Arthur's office from a payphone and gives him some information a...
Charles tells Matt that he mishandled the situation with Katherine. Katherine...
Katherine successfully stops the official complaint against her from leading ...
Main Cast