During the Cold War Project Blue Book came into being – aimed at gathering an...
Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified
Though claims of alien encounters are often brushed off, many people believe that UFOs exist with near-certainty.
Though claims of alien encounters are often brushed off, many people believe that UFOs exist with near-certainty.
During the Cold War Project Blue Book came into being – aimed at gathering an...
What’s the truth of the organisation known as the MJ-12, an alleged secret co...
Phillip J. Corso claims that the US army possesses at least one crashed extra...
This episode follows the stories of American UFO witnesses Betty Cash and Vic...
The Petrozavodsk incident of 1977 was the key moment which determined the off...
What do we know about the intentions of UFOs? Answers might be found in an in...
Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified | Official Trailer | Netflix
Current Status: Ended
Network: Sky History