The Murdochs, a family of extraordinary influence, are plagued by sibling riv...
The Murdochs: Empire of Influence
It will investigate the rise of Rupert Murdoch, his global impact, and his struggle with the inheritance.
It will investigate the rise of Rupert Murdoch, his global impact, and his struggle with the inheritance.
The Murdochs, a family of extraordinary influence, are plagued by sibling riv...
The Murdoch children take their first steps in the family business, while Rup...
Rupert Murdoch begins to select a future leader, naming Lachlan as the top co...
James Murdoch's ascent to the top of his family's empire appears certain, wit...
The next episode sees James and Lachlan struggling to co-manage the business,...
Rupert's decision to sell 21st Century Fox to Disney forces James out of the ...
Rupert's decision to sell 21st Century Fox to Disney forces James out of the ...
Current Status: Ended
Network: CNN+
Production Country: United States