A mysterious and disoriented Emma finds herself lost in the woods, with no re...
The Expecting
A young woman's harrowing tale of struggle, pregnancy in uncertain times, and the enigmatic circumstances surrounding it.
A young woman's harrowing tale of struggle, pregnancy in uncertain times, and the enigmatic circumstances surrounding it.
A mysterious and disoriented Emma finds herself lost in the woods, with no re...
Emma seeks guidance from her father on navigating her unexpected pregnancy, b...
As Emma readies herself for motherhood, she discovers a newfound passion for ...
A fresh start is in store for Emma as she lands a new job and acquires a new ...
Emma's brutal fight with her dog sparks a series of chilling nightmares, leav...
Ty learns about Emma's mom's struggles with schizophrenia, and Emma begins to...
Emma seeks solidarity with another girl facing similar afflictions, and upon ...
Emma's pregnancy is threatened by a mysterious issue, leading her to Dr. Gree...
Emma flees to her father, seeking his aid and discovering more about her moth...
In the next episode, Emma faces a life-changing decision as she tries to esca...
A frantic Emma rushes into the woods, her labor pains intensifying. But as sh...
Main Cast
The Expecting | Official Trailer | The Roku Channel
THE EXPECTING Official Trailer (2020)