Student Kate Harper returns home for Christmas, accompanied by her boyfriend Tom, brother Brian, friends Rachel, Leah, Ashley, and Ethan. The journey takes place in two cars during a rainy night when Tom accidentally causes a crash with Ethan following him. Six months prior, Kate helps Rachel through a failed romance by encouraging her to attend the prom. Meanwhile, Ashley cares for an ill father while Tom chooses an engagement ring for Kate. Brian hopes to be noticed as a budding footballer. When Rachel regains consciousness from her coma, she reunites with old friends Ethan and Tom at a prom. At this event, Rachel meets Ethan again, who proposes to Kate, leading to their marriage proposal. Meanwhile, Kate, Ashley, and Brian are mourned by their parents during the Christmas party. In nine months, Tom and Ethan appear in court but are found not guilty of causing death due to dangerous driving. However, Tom's mother cannot forgive him, while others reject him. Despite still using crutches, Rachel welcomes Tom back into her group at a ceremony for those affected by the crash anniversary.
The Crash
Student Kate Harper heads back home during the Christmas break and reunites with her partner Tom, his brother Brian, and friends Rachel, Leah, Ashley, and Ethan for a night out at the pub. The evening takes an unexpected turn when they attempt to overtake another vehicle on a rainy road.