The next episode takes place after World War II, where a German rocket expert...
James A. Michener’s 13-hour miniseries chronicles America’s space program, focusing on the period following WWII through the moon landings in the early 1970s.
James A. Michener’s 13-hour miniseries chronicles America’s space program, focusing on the period following WWII through the moon landings in the early 1970s.
The next episode takes place after World War II, where a German rocket expert...
Penny Hardesty, Pope's girlfriend, offers to help Grant secure a senatorial s...
Pope forges a strong bond with Marine officer Randy Claggett during flight tr...
Pope and Claggett embark on a challenging journey to become part of America's...
Next episode, America's first astronauts are catapulted to fame, while Clagge...
Main Cast