Terrorists and Islamic extremists gather in Fallujah, Iraq, to mount a fierce...
The show delves into famous gunfights, presenting a unique perspective by exploring the events from both the law enforcement and criminal viewpoints.
The show delves into famous gunfights, presenting a unique perspective by exploring the events from both the law enforcement and criminal viewpoints.
Terrorists and Islamic extremists gather in Fallujah, Iraq, to mount a fierce...
Marines' extraordinary tales of defending Guadalcanal against Japanese onslau...
Two infamous events in the Old West are reenacted, including the disastrous N...
On February 28, 1997, a high stakes bank robbery devolved into an urban firef...
The next episode delves into the ongoing struggle in Afghanistan, where Ameri...
Veterans of the D-Day battles share their harrowing accounts of the intense c...
Next episode of BATTLECRY IRAQ: RAMADI, airing on April 6, 2004, explores the...
Cold-blooded killers are on the hunt for political power, with a chilling mes...
Seasons: 2
Current Status: Ended
Network: History
Production Country: United States
Genres:Documentary, History