This three-part documentary series delves into the controversial story of Renee Bach, an American missionary dedicated to establishing a charity for malnourished children in Jinja, Uganda. However, shocking allegations emerged that she was treating sick children without medical qualifications. When whistle-blowers intervene, they discover over 100 children have died in the charity's care over the years. An activist group called No White Saviors sparks a social media firestorm to raise awareness of the story, leading to a civil lawsuit against Renee and her charity by two Ugandan mothers and a human rights attorney. With unprecedented access to Renee, her accusers, lawyers, activists, and bereaved mothers who sought accountability in court, Savior Complex explores broader ethical questions surrounding foreign aid work done in the name of humanitarian and religious ideals.
1. God Doesn't Call the Qualified, He Qualifies the Called
Aired: Sep 26, 2023Renee Bach, 19, answers God's call to become a missionary in Jinja, Uganda, e...