Moon Over Miami background

Moon Over Miami

In this detective series, Walter Tatum, a seasoned, independent Miami private investigator, finds himself entangled with Gwen Cross, a wealthy and intelligent young woman. Initially, she becomes his client for a case, but their partnership quickly evolves into more than just an investigation: the...

In this detective series, Miami-based private investigator Walter Tatum finds himself entangled with Gwen Cross, a spoiled yet intelligent wealthy girl, initially as a case but ultimately partnering in numerous investigations. Her presence makes both his personal and professional life more challenging while also adding intrigue. Despite her differences, they gradually develop a close relationship through the principle of 'opposites attract' and always fulfill their clients' or justice's demands together.


Episode 1 Pilot

1. Pilot

Aired: Sep 15, 1993

Walter Tatum is hired to find rich girl Gwen Cross after she jumps ship to es...

Episode 2 A Missing Person

2. A Missing Person

Aired: Sep 22, 1993

Walter is hired by a torch singer who fears she'll be by missing before the n...

Episode 3 My Old Flame

3. My Old Flame

Aired: Sep 29, 1993

Walter is hired by a man, who received a postcard from a lost love, to find t...

Episode 4 Farewell, My Lovelies

4. Farewell, My Lovelies

Aired: Oct 6, 1993

Gwen discovers that her neighbor had a second home complete with another wife...

Episode 5 Cinderello

5. Cinderello

Aired: Oct 13, 1993

Gwen Cross goes after the man who stole her necklace and her heart who is kno...

Episode 6 Black River Bride

6. Black River Bride

Aired: Oct 20, 1993

Walter investigates a woman found in the ocean with no memory and why someone...

Episode 7 If You Only Knew

7. If You Only Knew

Aired: Oct 27, 1993

A record made by a jazz musician who disappeared 40 years ago is discovered b...

Episode 9 Quiero Vivir

9. Quiero Vivir

Aired: Nov 16, 1993

While Billy sits in jail as a suspect in the murder of an actress he broke up...

Episode 10 In a Safe Place

10. In a Safe Place

Aired: Nov 30, 1993

Elliott Gould guest stars as Walter's mentor who he visits after suffering of...

Episode 11 Memory Man

11. Memory Man

Aired: Nov 29, -1

Lyle (Leland Orser) comes barging into the firm. He's a familiar crazy local....

Episode 12 Small Packages

12. Small Packages

Aired: Nov 29, -1

Walter is left with an old friend's infant when she suddenly flees after beco...

Info about Moon Over Miami

Current Status: Canceled

Network: ABC

Production Country: United States

Genres:Drama, Crime