A mystical red panda from outer space seeks the aid of Alex and Daisy to resc...
Magical Girl Friendship Squad
Two girls are selected by a red panda to protect the universe with their newly acquired magical abilities.
Two girls are selected by a red panda to protect the universe with their newly acquired magical abilities.
A mystical red panda from outer space seeks the aid of Alex and Daisy to resc...
In the next episode, Alex and Daisy embark on a mission to find a solution to...
In the next episode, Alex begins a fresh chapter in their professional life, ...
The girls discover that their inner thoughts can be their own worst critics, ...
In the next episode, Daisy begins to question her expectations of a tradition...
The fabric of reality hangs in the balance as Alex and Daisy reflect on the t...
Main Cast
Magical Girl Friendship Squad: Sneak Peek | Coming Soon | TZGZ | SYFY