The series focuses on the investigative work of the Special Commission of the Leipzig police. The team includes Hajo Trautzschke, Jan Maybach, Ina Zimmermann, and Tom Kowalski. They primarily investigate capital crimes such as murder and manslaughter. Supported by Olivia Fareedi (team assistant),Prof. Dr. Sabine Rossi (coroner),Dr. Stein (forensic expert),Lorenz Rettig (laboratory assistant),and prosecutor Dr. Alexander Binz; Dagmar Schnee assists in cases involving sexual offenses. The series follows the team's rigorous approach to uncovering the truth, using advanced investigative techniques and cutting-edge forensic science. They work tirelessly to solve complex crimes, often facing challenges that push their limits as they dig deeper into the dark corners of society.
A journalist's daughter is set to receive an award, and her father Hajo decid...