As the prophecy of Inquisitor Kiamoro's demise becomes inevitable, he resorts...
Hammer and Bolter
Hammer & Bolter is an anthology series exploring the darker realms of Warhammer, featuring diverse characters and factions.
Hammer & Bolter is an anthology series exploring the darker realms of Warhammer, featuring diverse characters and factions.
As the prophecy of Inquisitor Kiamoro's demise becomes inevitable, he resorts...
In the vast library of Antioth, Adept Neath's mundane task of counting books ...
A grizzled Ork veteran shares a legendary tale with two young ruffians about ...
A trio of legendary Space Wolves warriors convene for a friendly competition ...
Elena and Agatha, two brave Battle Sisters, defend a sacred shrine against th...
A group of Aeldari embark on a perilous journey to their ancient homeworld, d...
A lone Tech-priest and her Kastelan Robot venture into the treacherous Ork-in...
A desperate messenger navigates treacherous terrain to deliver a vital messag...
A group of Black Legion Terminators, sent by Abaddon the Despoiler, pursue a ...
Morior Dermatis' plans are foiled, prompting Ephisis to take a new approach, ...
A massive tribe of orruks menaces a Sigmarite city in the untamed lands of Gh...
In the treacherous mountains of Attramor, a horse-tribe of Darkoath warriors ...
A desperate family fights to evacuate their newborn from an Imperial colony u...
A wave of mysterious disappearances sweeps through Hammerhal Aqsha, prompting...
A captured Emperor's Children legionnaire is questioned by the Exorcists Chap...