Chef, also known as Andrew "The Chef," sits in a candle-lit tattoo parlor where he has just had his Pagan's Motorcycle Club tattoo covered up with orange and red flames. As he lies there, surrendering to the pain, he shares one of the most dramatic crime stories from the last twenty years: the 2012 murder of radio host April Kauffman near Atlantic City, NJ. April's husband Jim, a respected endocrinologist, secretly wrote illegal opioid prescriptions for the Pagans and later hired Chef's mentor in the club, Fred "Miserable" Augello, to kill his wife. For five years, no one questioned Dr. Kauffman or her Pagan co-conspirators. Finally, a new detective pressured Chef into committing the ultimate sin: wearing a wire on his Pagan brother.
Dr. Kauffman proposes a deal to Fred Augello, offering him a substantial sum ...