All the Small Things background

All the Small Things

A musical drama unfolds in an English town, where the choir master's secret desires for a new soprano lead him to make a life-altering decision, leaving his family in the dark. Meanwhile, a mother and son, Kyle, are forced to re-evaluate their relationship as they navigate the unexpected con...

A choir master's personal and professional desires lead him to leave his family for a new soprano, causing his wife and son to start a rival choir, dividing the community.


Episode 1


Aired: Mar 31, 2009

Every year the Glossop Choir come second in the annual choral contest and thi...

Episode 2


Aired: Apr 7, 2009

Having entered the choir into a contest, Layla encourages Michael to be ruthl...

Episode 3


Aired: Apr 14, 2009

Gilbert Tonks is doubly outraged when Michael gives his customary solo to tal...

Episode 4


Aired: Apr 21, 2009

With the newly-wed Radics gone, Michael's choir is struggling, somewhat to th...

Episode 5


Aired: Apr 28, 2009

After Monica's brother Edgar, an ageing rocker, drops down dead at his 60th b...

Episode 6


Aired: May 5, 2009

Jake is upset when Esther berates him for not explaining before that Layla wa...

Info about All the Small Things

Current Status: Ended

Network: BBC One

Production Country: United Kingdom
