In the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina, a widowed father, Roy Luther, and his four children face a challenging future. They used to own the land they now sharecrop, but Kiser Pease allegedly stole it from them. As Roy Luther's poor health worsens, he instructs his 14-year-old daughter Mary Call to take over his role in the family after his passing. He warns her not to inform authorities or allow Devola to marry Kiser, who is smitten with her. Mary Call takes these directions literally, hiding her father's death from the world. As people increasingly seek Roy Luther's attention, including Kiser, Mary Call must decide how far to honor her father's wishes while keeping her family together and navigating her own feelings.
Where the Lilies Bloom
In the heart of Appalachia, a tight-knit family of siblings lives off the grid, united by their love and determination to stay together despite the loss of their patriarch.