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In this college drama, a series of unexpected events leads to a girl named Alex being housed with two guys, Stuart and Eddy, in the same dorm suite. Despite initial misgivings, the trio eventually forms a strong bond, with Stuart harboring romantic feelings for Alex, Alex developing a crush on Ed...

Two college roommates, Eddy and Stuart, are thrown off balance when a woman named Alex is mistakenly added to their dorm suite. Initially, the trio struggles to get along, but as time passes, Alex develops feelings for Eddy, Stuart becomes smitten with her, and Eddy discovers his own attraction to Stuart. Despite their romantic and lustful impulses, the three friends make a pact to keep their emotions in check, leading to a complex web of unrequited desires and close bonds.

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Info about Threesome

Studio(s): TriStar Pictures, Motion Picture Corporation of America

Originally Released: United States, Apr 08, 1994

Production Country: United States

Box Office Gross: $14,815,317.00

Genres:Comedy, Drama, Romance