In this action-packed thriller, a kidnapping in Central Park sparks a chain reaction when a similar incident occurs near the movie set of a Hollywood production. Mike Hammer, a seasoned private investigator, takes on the case to protect the young girl who narrowly escaped abduction. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he follows the film crew to Los Angeles, only to have the girl kidnapped again. Hammer embarks on a perilous journey to rescue her, leading him into the dark underbelly of an underground world filled with ruthless killers, high-stakes gamblers, and haunting reminders of the Vietnam War.
The Return of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer
Nikki Alexander, a renowned actress, faces a terrifying ordeal when her daughter is targeted by a ruthless kidnapper. As the stakes escalate, Hammer is dispatched to Los Angeles to safeguard the girl, only to find himself outmaneuvered when the young victim is snatched from under his watchful eye.