A young girl named Elsa moves in next door to a butterfly collector named Julien, who is still grieving the loss of his son. When Elsa discovers Julien's passion for butterflies, she annoys him at first, but eventually convinces him to let her join him on his annual search for a rare species in the French countryside. As they bond on their journey, Elsa's mother, Isabelle, finally starts paying attention to her daughter. After a series of adventures, including a fall into a well, Julien and Elsa become an unlikely grandfather-granddaughter duo. The mystery package that Julien received turns out to contain a caterpillar that becomes the rare species he was searching for, named Isabelle, coincidentally the same name as Elsa's mother.
The Butterfly
A young girl named Elsa, raised by her single mother, Isabelle, in the city, forms a connection with their elderly neighbor, Julien, a butterfly collector, after moving in next door.