Erik Sparrow, a seemingly ordinary man, lives a mundane life in a great city, but his lack of ambition, unattractiveness, and constant complaining make him undeserving of his good fortune. After his girlfriend proposes and he rejects her, he tries to win her back but fails, leading him to date other women with disastrous results. He becomes desperate and obsessed with a coworker, but everything changes when he meets an enigmatic stranger, Gavin, who asks if he wants to die. Erik's life takes a dark turn, and he wakes up changed, becoming a confident and free individual who can seduce any woman without effort. However, his newfound freedom comes with a terrible price: excruciating stomach pains that can only be cured by drinking blood.
Summer of Blood
A struggling New Yorker's fortunes change after meeting a laid-back vampire, leading him to adopt a new lifestyle and leave his lonely heart behind.