In the heart of the Midwest, a young skateboarder named Derrick Cabrera chases his dream of becoming sponsored and going pro. Despite his talent, Derrick faces opposition from his parents, friends, and schoolmates who don't understand his passion for a sport with no clear future. As he gains popularity, his idol becomes his worst enemy, and he's confronted with skateproofing, a jealous friend, and authorities who target him. Derrick's world crumbles when he's arrested for skating on private property, and his parents and girlfriend force him to choose between his passion and their expectations. He flees with his friends to the Tampa Am contest, where his rivalry reaches a boiling point. Abandoned by his friends, Derrick finds refuge with a top amateur's sister, who helps him believe in himself. With the entire skate world watching, Derrick lands the trick that catapults him to stardom, achieving his dream of becoming sponsored.
Street Dreams
In the uncharted territory of the Midwest, a young skateboarder named Derrick Cabrera pursues his dream of becoming a sponsored pro, fueled by his remarkable talent and unyielding passion.