Muzzle Tough background

Muzzle Tough

In this animated comedy, Tweety Bird settles into a cozy city home with his loving caregiver, Granny, only to catch the attention of a sly and determined stray cat named Sylvester. However, their peaceful life is disrupted by a mischievous bulldog, who consistently thwarts Sylvester's attemp...

Tweety Bird and his mistress, Granny, settle into a cozy city brownstone, unaware of the sly Sylvester Cat watching from afar. The cunning feline concocts a series of elaborate disguises in a bid to sneak up on Tweety, but his plans are consistently foiled by Granny's bulldog and the dog catcher's truck full of snarling canines.

Info about Muzzle Tough

Studio(s): Warner Bros. Cartoons

Originally Released: United States, Jun 25, 1954

Production Country: United States

Genres:Animation, Family, Short, Comedy