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Love Blade

In this psychological thriller, a young woman named Rose struggles with a unique and deadly affliction that causes her to take a life every time she experiences sexual arousal. As she tries to conceal the evidence and find a cure, her secret remains hidden, isolating her from the world and leadin...

In this thrilling film, Rose, a young and virginal woman, harbors a dark secret: a rare condition that triggers a deadly response whenever she's sexually aroused. As she navigates her isolated life, Rose becomes increasingly dependent on her knives and takes on a career as a hired killer. Her solitary existence is disrupted by the arrival of Sam, a woman who shares her condition and holds the key to unlocking its mysteries. As their paths intersect, Rose must confront the darkness within herself and decide whether love can conquer her deadly secret.

Info about Love Blade

Studio(s): Desperate Visions Productions

Originally Released: United States, Aug 13, 2009

Production Country: United States

Budget: $8,000.00

Genres:Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance