Legend of Hell background

Legend of Hell

In a desperate bid to save humanity, three disparate individuals join forces to prevent a catastrophic outcome after a portal to the underworld is inadvertently opened, unleashing a horde of undead upon the world. With time running out, they embark on a perilous quest to locate a powerful artifac...

A renowned archaeologist uncovers an ancient relic and scroll, unleashing a chain of events that sends her hurtling through time and past lives, repeatedly meeting her demise in different eras and locations. As the investigation unfolds, it becomes clear that the artifact and scroll are connected to a portal to the underworld, and demonic entities begin to invade Earth's history. The archaeologist joins forces with brave warriors and guides from bygone eras to seal the gateway and restore balance to the world.

Info about Legend of Hell

Studio(s): IMAS Filmproduktion

Originally Released: United States, May 18, 2012

Production Country: Germany

Genres:Action, Horror, Mystery