In the picturesque Lake Maggiore, 1946, Marco Maffei, a young and passionate sailor, meets the charismatic and flamboyant Temistocle Mario Orimbelli. Temistocle invites Marco to dinner, where he meets his wife Cleofe and her stunning sister-in-law, Matilde, who is widowed and beautiful. Marco becomes smitten with Matilde, but their love is forbidden, and the group is hiding secrets. The arrival of Cleofe's missing brother, Angelo Berlusconi, disrupts the group's dynamics and raises questions about a mysterious wooden trunk in the bishop's bedroom.
La stanza del vescovo
In this drama, a charismatic war veteran named Mario forms an unlikely bond with a solitary sailor, Marco, and invites him to meet his complex family, including his distant wife Cleofe and repressed sister-in-law Matilde.