In the town of Benaras, Kaashi lives with his family, who are known for performing final rituals for the deceased. He is extremely possessive of his sister Ganga, who disappears after befriending a journalist named Devina. Kaashi teams up with Devina to find Ganga, and they discover that she was involved with Abhimanyu Pandey, son of Balwant Pandey. Kaashi's rage leads him to kill Abhimanyu, and he is arrested. However, when Ganga's decomposed body is found, Devina believes that Ganga was likely killed by someone else, as Abhimanyu was not in town at the time of her death. The court case reveals that many witnesses testify that Ganga never existed.
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Info about Kaashi in Search of Ganga
Studio(s): Insite India
Originally Released: United States, Oct 26, 2018
Kaashi in Search of Ganga: Where to Watch Online in Canada?
Currently you are able to watch "Kaashi in Search of Ganga" for free with ads on Tubi TV.