In this action-packed movie, a renowned swordsman, Ying Ke-Feng, is forced to entrust the transportation of 200,000 taels of silver to two young knights, Hsiang Ting and Yun Piao-Piao, due to his infirmity. However, their mission is threatened by suspicious strangers, including a mysterious man named Le I, who may be working for the rival Flying Tiger Manor. As tensions rise, Hsiang Ting and Le I must put aside their differences to fight against the Flying Tiger gang and protect the valuable shipment.
Have Sword, Will Travel
Ying Ke-Feng, a renowned swordsman and leader of Peerless Manor, has a lucrative escort business that annually transports 200,000 taels of silver to the capital. But when a mysterious affliction takes away his sword-wielding abilities, his life and livelihood are put in jeopardy.