"Ghosts" tells the story of three Kiowa boys' daring escape from a government boarding school in Anadarko, Oklahoma in 1891, to attend a ghost dance ceremony at a distant Kiowa encampment. After being whipped for insubordination and feeling defeated, CHARLES, a rebellious teenager, plans to escape with an unlikely group of partners, the spiritual ZEPH, who has visions of his grandfather and an upcoming ghost dance, which is sweeping across Indian Territory promising the resurrection of their ancestors, and JUDAH, a trickster, who seizes the opportunity to join them and help them flee. "Ghosts" is an oral history of tribal alliance, resistance, and survival from the degradation of forced assimilation.
In 1891, three Kiowa boys defy authority at an Oklahoma government boarding school to join a ghost dance ceremony. After being whipped for their disobedience, Charles hatches a daring escape plan with some unlikely companions. Stop.