In the movie Frostbite, a teenage boy with schizophrenia must navigate a series of mysterious events in a small Finnish town where a legendary yeti is said to be on the loose, killing villagers. When Jake and his family arrive at their newly inherited manor, they learn about the local urban legend and soon, Jake comes face to face with what he believes is the yeti. However, he soon discovers that the creature is just a man in a costume. Despite his efforts to convince the villagers and his family that the yeti is a hoax, no one believes him due to his mental health condition. As the killings continue, Jake must figure out what is really happening and unravel the truth behind the mysterious events.
In this thriller, a teenager with schizophrenia is forced to confront the truth when he encounters a mysterious, costumed figure claiming to be a yeti, while investigating a local urban legend that his family is trying to debunk.