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Clown Nightmare

In the thrilling sci-fi horror film, a group of extraterrestrial clown-like beings invade Kentucky, causing chaos and terror. Meanwhile, a resourceful individual named Jerry, desperate to fix his problems, turns to the Dark Web to build a time machine. However, his experiment goes awry, and he in...

In the small town of Kentucky, a group of terrifying clown creatures from another dimension suddenly appear, wreaking havoc and destruction. Desperate to stop the invasion, a resourceful individual named Jerry turns to the Dark Web to gather the necessary components to build a time machine. However, his experiment goes awry, and he inadvertently opens a portal to the dimension of the clown creatures, unleashing a horde of bloodthirsty entities that feed on human fear and terror.

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Info about Clown Nightmare

Originally Released: United States, Sep 13, 2019

Production Country: United States


Clown Nightmare: Where to Watch Online in Canada?

Currently you are able to watch "Clown Nightmare" for free with ads on Tubi TV.