A young boy, PS, lives with his working-class aunt and uncle in Sydney after his mother's passing. His life changes when his posh aunt from England arrives, claiming co-guardianship and insisting on taking him to live with her during the week. While PS thrives with his aunt Lila, playing with friends and being himself, he struggles at his aunt Vanessa's, where he's forced into a strict routine of private school, lessons, and isolation. As tensions rise, PS must find a way to express himself and uncover his true identity, all while navigating the challenges of his complicated family dynamics.
Careful, He Might Hear You
A young boy, PS, lives with his working-class aunt and uncle in Sydney after the death of his mother. His life is disrupted when his posh aunt from England arrives, claiming co-guardianship rights over him due to his absent and irresponsible father.