The film follows the changes in a small Moravian village from 1945 to 1958, showcasing the effects of war and communism on the community. Initially, the villagers live in harmony, but as the communists take power, the atmosphere shifts. The film highlights the struggles of the villagers, including the conversion of some to communism, the takeover of land, and the suppression of individual freedoms. The story follows the characters' journeys, including the noble farmer Frantisek, who leads the resistance against the communists, and the photographer, who faces personal struggles and loss. The film ultimately ends with the death of Frantisek and the decline of the community, as the narrator reflects on the consequences of the villagers' actions.
All My Good Countrymen
The film portrays a tight-knit community in Czechoslovakia, delving into the human spirit amidst the backdrop of significant political changes.