Ain't Nature Grand! background

Ain't Nature Grand!

In this animated film, Bosko engages in a fun-filled fishing adventure, accompanied by his new frog friends. However, his idyllic day is disrupted by two mischievous ladybugs who utilize a wasp as an impromptu airplane and a beehive and tree branch as a makeshift machine gun, chasing Bosko away f...

In this whimsical cartoon, Bosko defies a "No Fishing" sign by using letters on the sign as makeshift worms, catching a fish he finds cute, only to be spurned by the fish's sudden spat and jump back into the water. The worm, meanwhile, narrowly escapes a bird's chase by hiding in a hole. Later, Bosko discovers two ladybugs dancing by a waterfall, accompanied by a spider playing a harp-like tune on his web. The scene shifts to Bosko being joined by four frogs, and they all sing and dance together. However, the ladybugs' mischievous antics, using a wasp as an airplane and a beehive as a machine gun, drive Bosko away with a swarm of bees. Undeterred, Bosko tips his hat to the audience, showing he's unharmed.

Info about Ain't Nature Grand!

Studio(s): Harman-Ising Productions, The Vitaphone Corporation

Originally Released: United States, Feb 01, 1931

Production Country: United States

Genres:Animation, Comedy, Family, Short